10 Code of Conduct rules for kayakers [FREE INFOGRAPHIC]

If you’re new to recreational kayaking, own a paddle shop, lead kayak tours, are an educator, or support river conservation efforts in your area, check out our free Flatwater Kayak Club infographic on 10 Code of Conduct rules for kayakers to stay safe, protect nature and wildlife, and have fun on the water.

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10 Code of Conduct Rules for Kayakers

  1. Always wear a life jacket. This is a critical kayaking safety rule! Ensure it’s properly fitted, have an emergency whistle easily accessible (mine is clipped on my life jacket strap) and make sure your dog has a PFD too if she’s kayaking with you.

  2. Keep your kayak boat clean. Wash it after every journey, spraying down all the mud, water, and vegetation (this helps keeps our waterways clean and avoids the spread of any invasive species). Then let your kayak dry thoroughly in the sun before you store it.

  3. Don’t paddle alone, especially when kayaking in an unfamiliar or remote area. I often kayak with my dog, but we choose popular locations where paddlers, canoers, and other flatwater kayakers frequent.

  4. Follow all local and state laws. Get a kayak permit in Oregon, Washington, or Idaho if required for your boat.

  5. Never paddle under the influence of alcohol, marijuana, or drugs. Keep yourself and others safe!

  6. Be careful when launching a boat from shore and paddling near a shoreline, to not disturb wildlife and habitats. This is a crucial step in behaving like a kayak conservationist.

  7. Take caution when kayaking with dogs to prevent interaction with wildlife (and ensure your trained dog follows basic commands).

  8. Leave no trace. Pack out everything you pack in on your kayak adventure. And pick up any litter along your journey (provided you can do so safely).

  9. Research guides before booking a kayak tour operator to ensure they follow ethical and legal standards for species interaction.

  10. Keep a respectful (and legal) distance from wildlife. Don’t approach animals you may encounter while you’re paddling or at your launch point. Never feed, disturb, harass, or capture wildlife species or remove their nests/homes.

Together, we all can enjoy kayaking safely and responsibly.

Have fun paddling and thank you for being part of the industry effort to conserve our wildlife, habitats, and protect ourselves and others enjoying recreational water activities!


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