How to find the best deal on a kayak in the Pacific Northwest

If you’re looking to score a great deal on a recreational kayak, there are certain times of the year when you’re more likely to find new and used models on sale. In the Pacific Northwest, the most ideal time to buy a kayak for cheap is from late-August to February.

During these off-season months, you’re more likely to find an affordable flatwater kayak at an end-of-summer close-out or Black Friday, Christmas, and New Years holiday sale.

Read on to learn more tips about buying your first new or used kayak….

Graphic with man kayaking on a river during summer

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What are the benefits of recreational kayaking? 

First, let us help make the case on why recreational kayaking is such an amazing fitness hobby and lifestyle for not only our crew here in the Pacific Northwest, but anywhere around the world. The benefits are numerous – and they’ll vary from person-to-person, but here are a few universal ones.

Man in recreational kayak at sunset

Kayaking can provide a greater sense of calm and peace, it’s fun, you can enjoy the great outdoors, and the exercise is good for the body, mind, and spirit. You may even get to observe wildlife as you paddle down the water, which is always a highlight for us at Flatwater Kayak Club. We’ve seen bald eagles, osprey, sea lions, and river otters! [Read this post to learn our top tips for spotting bald eagles in the Pacific Northwest while kayaking].

Recreational kayaking also has the potential to strengthen bonds with friends and family members because it can be done in groups or by yourself – and your dog too (we love kayaking with dogs). It’s one of the reasons we started Flatwater Kayak Club, after all. Community through kayaking is a really special thing.

How much does a recreational kayak cost?

The cost of a kayak depends on its type, materials used, brand, retailer, and time of purchase. A brand new kayak will often set you back around $800 or more, but you can find a used one for $500 or less, especially if you buy the new kayak off-season or during a holiday sale from a retailer.

We also know several local shops in Portland, Oregon, area that sell off their rental models at the end of the summer, so a used kayak is certainly another option. If you’re looking for a cheap kayak – which we’d identify as under $400 – you’ll need to hunt for a sale or a used deal.

Portland Kayak Company shop and kayak rental

A used kayak will have been tried out and tested by someone else, so it’s unlikely to have any factory defects. These older kayaks are cheaper, but they also have many disadvantages like decreased durability or lack of warranty, and less features and upgrades than the newest models.

The best type of recreational kayaks for flatwater are ones that are beginner-friendly and have a wide hull design that is stable and easy to paddle in calm waters. Whether you end up going brand new or used with your kayak choice, just be sure to buy one that suits your skill level and the type of water you plan on paddling on.

Kayak with fall colors in Portland, Oregon

When is the best time to buy a kayak?

In the Pacific Northwest, prime kayaking season is summer. Springtime brings incredible kayaking experiences as well (but often with higher water levels, which can be more challenging for beginners). We mark our calendars for April-October as the best time of year to find great recreational kayaking opportunities in Oregon, Washington, and Idaho. But that doesn’t mean you’ll find a deal during high season here.

If you’re looking to score a great deal on a recreational model, there are certain times of the year when it’s better to buy one, where you can snag a kayak for 30% off the retail price (and sometimes even more than that!). Retailers will often price kayaks high right when prime season is approaching, and low at the end of the season. Think – high prices from March-July. Lower prices late July-Feb.

We know how overwhelming it can be to make a purchase with all the kayak options on the market. As a beginner, you don’t need to go wild and buy the most expensive kayak on the market. You just need a good quality, safe recreational kayak that will be stable on the water and easy to paddle around.

It’s important to note that there are many different types of kayaks, but for this article we will be focusing on recreational flatwater kayaks.

They’re designed for calm water with minimal current, and they’re usually made of plastic or fiberglass materials.

Doing your research ahead of time to ensure you buy the right kayak for you will have a big impact on your kayaking experiences in the months and years ahead.

Hard shell kayak on Willamette River in Portland, Oregon

What recreational kayak is right for me?

Identify your price range, must-have features, and consider your specific situation. Here are some things to consider as you search for your own perfect kayak:

  • Calm rivers, lakes, or a mix of it all?

  • Will you be potentially kayaking in windy conditions, and with some waves here and there?

  • Sit-in or sit-on-top kayak?

  • What are your kayaking storage needs – do you need something easy to stash in your home or garage?

  • Does the kayak weight matter to you?

  • Can a traditional kayak fit in your car, or do you need a model that’s more compact to haul?

  • Do you want a single kayak or a two-person tandem kayak?

  • Will you be kayaking with a dog, where the size of the cockpit will play a key role in the flatwater kayaking experience?

  • What’s more important to you – speed or stability?

Some pros and cons with flatwater kayak features to help you out: Inflatable kayaks are often more affordable and they can be easily transported in the trunk of your car. They’re usually pretty easy to assemble and can be used on any body of calm water without much preparation.

Oru Inlet folding kayak in SUV trunk

Oru Inlet kayak folded in a compact SUV trunk

There’s been so much innovation over the last 10-15 years in the inflatable kayak space, that there really are some amazing models out there for sale that will attract the beginner kayaker. We always recommend testing out some models with your local outdoor retailer before making a purchase.

We’ve been using an Oru Inlet kayak for two years, which is new folding kayak technology that bumps it up a bit in price point (just under $1,000 as of this posting).

The benefits of this folding kayak include it being lightweight (20 pounds), and it’s easier to transport, carry, and store than traditional kayaks. (You can read more of our Oru posts at Flatwater Kayak Club if you’re interested in learning more – and see more photos of the Oru Inlet folded up in a compact SUV trunk).

Oregon Oru Inlet kayak on flat calm water
Clear and calm river with mountains in the fall

Missed your chance this season on a great deal on a kayak? Keep your eyes peeled on your favorite brands on Black Friday in November and during the holiday season in mid-to-late December.

By the time March rolls around, recreational kayakers in Oregon, Washington, and Idaho have their sights set on the beautiful, longer days of spring and summer paddling – prime kayaking season – and retailers stock and promote their newest, latest & greatest kayak models. So don’t expect a big Memorial Day sale.

Where is the best place to buy a kayak for a good deal?

There are numerous outdoor retailers where you can buy a new or used kayak, including local businesses, big outdoor brands like REI, and even Craigslist, Facebook Marketplace, or at a garage sale, and prices are going to vary across the board. We’ve shopped at all of the above. (And might we add – while you’re there hunting for a type of kayak that’s right for you, and a good deal, look around at the kayak paddles and life jackets too).

In Portland, Oregon, we recommend checking out local shops like the Portland Kayaking Company, Next Adventure, and Alder Creek for new and used recreational kayak deals. They have knowledgeable staff. They’ll ask you the right questions before you buy it – so you don’t need to stress about knowing everything before you make your purchase. And you can often try out the kayak before you buy it.

And for a beginner kayak looking for a discounted price, these small businesses often sell off their rental fleet at the end of the summer season, so you can snag a better deal.

Need more Pacific Northwest kayaking inspiration?

Check out our favorite flatwater kayaking routes.

Not quite ready to buy a kayak yet?

If you’re concerned you might spend a lot of money for a piece of gear you’ll hardly use, it’s okay to try out recreational kayaking for a bit with rentals. You don’t need to rush in and buy one.

Here’s our list of great places to rent a kayak near Portland, Oregon.


A great place to rent a kayak on the Tualatin River


How to see the leaves changing color from a kayak in Portland, Oregon